Work #

Year Description
2023 great_tables - table styling taken to an unhealthy extreme (WIP; w/ Rich Ionnane).
quartodoc - generate python API documentation in quarto.
2022 Wrote guide.
Wrote py-shiny guide.
pins for python - save and share data using any cloud bucket.
2021 Consultant. Built out data team for warehousing all of California’s transit data (, talk by Hunter Owens at rstudio::conf()).
2020 Spent the year working on siuba (rstudio::conf() talk).
2019 siuba - a port of dplyr to python.
2018-2019 DataCamp Signal, adaptive assessments of data science skill (founded team; built models)
2016-2017 DataCamp code execution and grading tools.
2012 - 2016 PhD from Princeton, researching human memory and psychometrics.

Talks #

Open Source Tools #

Year Name Description
2023 great_tables (WIP) Beautiful table formatting in python (w/ Rich Iannone).
2023 quartodoc Easy breezy beautiful API documentation in python.
2022 pins-python Save and share data across a range of cloud backends.
2022 databackend Depend on classes from other packages without importing them.
2020 wrestlr Experiment to convert R code to python
2020 dbcooper-py Tab-complete the names of tables in your warehouse.
2019 siuba Port of dplyr to python. Can convert pandas code to SQL.
2019 dbpath R library for using a URI to connect to a database (similar to sqlalchemy).
2019 astar-r A* algorithm in R
2019 tidymirt R library with broom methods for mirt models (w/ Dave Robinson)
2017 antlr-plsql PLSQL parsing and AST generation
2017 antlr-ast A Python package for generating abstract syntax trees from ANTLR4 grammars.
2016 pythonwhat Code exercise grading tool (w/ Filip Schouwenaars)

Open Source Contributions #

Name Focus
griffe Contribute to docstring parsers
gusty Misc stuff, lots of feedback chats
py-shiny Documentation, lots of feedback chats
ibis Helped move docs to quartodoc
code-for-philly/chime Covid dashboard. Helped get things off the ground

Not Quite Talks but Almost #

Volunteer #

  • 2022-Present: Code for Philly Senior Advisor
  • 2020-2022: Code for Philly Co-Director
  • 2020: CHIME, a dashboard for hospital capacity planning during COVID-19 pandemic.
    • partnership between Code for Philly and Penn Medicine.
    • accidentally helped by putting two people in a slack channel (talk by Michael Becker).
  • 2019: PLSE Criminal Record Expungement Project
    • Interviewed 3 non-profits about their use of technology to expunge criminal records.
    • Organized collab between Code for Philly and Philly Lawyers for Social Equity.

Awards n Stuff #

News #

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